Gas Turbine Intake Silencers and Exhaust Silencers
Silencers for Turbine exhaust and intake are products that require particular attention and adequate preparation both in design step that
Ventilation Silencers systems and ducting
Stopnoise Engineering designs and manufactures silencers with high acoustic efficiency for ventilation plants, ducts, inlet / outlet ducts for fans,
Engine exhaust silencers
Silencers for engine exhaust are designed and manufactured in manner to be used and installed on the engine exhaust line
Boiler Silencers and By-Pass Stack Silencers
Stopnoise Engineering technicians have acquired during the past years a high competence in design and manufacturing of silencing systems for
Silencers for atmospheric discharge of gases
Silencers for atmospheric discharge are designed for the reduction of noise generated typically by the discharge in the atmosphere of